NAGASAWA Tea bronzeware was founded by the first generation Nagasawa Kinjiro and is currently operated by the 2nd generation, Takehisa, 3 rd generation, Toshihisa. The forged gold is a traditional technique of hammering a piece of metal plate such as silver, copper, brass, etc., while stretching or shrinking it, creating various items such as teaware and vase.
Product list

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product Type / Classification: Copper hot water kettle(large) KIKKOU Pattern
Body size: Capacity 1.8 L φ175mm × High 155mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copperhot water kettle (small) MARUDUCHIME Pattern
Body size: Capacity 1 L φ140mm x High 120mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper made tea pot (medium) MARUDUCHIME Pattern
Body size: Capacity 380ml φ105mm x High 90mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper made tea pot (medium) SAISAIME Pattern
Body size: Capacity 380ml φ105mm x High90mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper beer mug mosaic Pattern
Body size: Capacity 400ml φ85mm x High 90mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper cup (small) NANAMEGOZAME Pattern
Body size: Capacity 200ml φ75mm x High 90mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper beer cup (large) )MARUDUCHIME Pattern
Body size: Capacity 400ml φ70mm x High 120mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper made tea tube (middle)drum type MARUDUCHIME Pattern
Body size: For tea leaves 150 g φ70mm x High 110mm

Product (craft item) Name: Edo Tea bronzeware
Product type / classification: copper made tea tube NATUME Pattern
Body size: For tea leaves 100 g φ75mm x High 100mm